or the secret of the care of the patient is in caring for the patient.
Refiloe Masitahat Zitat gemachtvor 3 Jahren
The greatest sin is not finding it, ignoring what God made possible in you.”
Refiloe Masitahat Zitat gemachtvor 3 Jahren
“Because, Marion, you are an instrument of God. Don't leave the instrument sitting in its case, my son. Play! Leave no part of your instrument unexplored. Why settle for ‘Three Blind Mice’ when you can play the ‘Gloria’?”
Refiloe Masitahat Zitat gemachtvor 3 Jahren
WE COME UNBIDDEN into this life, and if we are lucky we find a purpose beyond starvation, misery, and early death which, lest we forget, is the common lot
b8070940877hat Zitat gemachtvor 6 Jahren
They couldn't have been more disappointed had she become a Muslim or a Hindu.
b8070940877hat Zitat gemachtvor 6 Jahren
The Portuguese clawed out a colonial seat in Goa, torturing the Hindu population into Catholic converts
b8070940877hat Zitat gemachtvor 6 Jahren
India had unfathomable needs. But that would never change and was no excuse;
Alina Martimyanovahat Zitat gemachtvor 11 Jahren
I squirmed. How easily Matron probed the gap between ambition and expediency. “Why must I do what is hardest?” “Because, Marion, you are an instrument of God. Don't leave the instrument sitting in its case,