while His eye might be on the sparrow, mine had to be on the hawk.
amie yumihat Zitat gemachtvor 5 Monaten
my countrymen were my enemy, and I had already begun to hate them from the bottom of my heart.
amie yumihat Zitat gemachtvor 5 Monaten
white people took into their hands could scarcely even be called vengeance, it was something less and something more.
amie yumihat Zitat gemachtvor 5 Monaten
the despised and rejected are menaced from the moment they stir in the womb, and are therefore sacred in a way that the children of the saved are not.
amie yumihat Zitat gemachtvor 5 Monaten
Dreadful indeed it is to see a starving child, but the answer to that is not to prevent the child’s arrival but to restructure the world so that the child can live in it: so that the “vital interest” of the world becomes nothing less than the life of the child
amie yumihat Zitat gemachtvor 5 Monaten
responsible for their slaughter and enslavement
amie yumihat Zitat gemachtvor 5 Monaten
The civilized have created the wretched, quite coldly and deliberately, and do not intend to change the status quo
amie yumihat Zitat gemachtvor 5 Monaten
Beneath the resonance of the word, revolution, thundered the word, revenge.
amie yumihat Zitat gemachtvor 5 Monaten
I hadn’t yet really accepted, or understood, that I was black and also because I knew (and didn’t want her to know, although, of course, she did)
amie yumihat Zitat gemachtvor 5 Monaten
If the relationship of father to son could really be reduced to biology, the whole earth would blaze with the glory of fathers and sons.