The householder who is content with whatever he happens to obtain, who has given up inner attachment, and who has completed all the practices becomes liberated by means of the techniques of Yoga
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Success arises for he who is intent upon the practice. How can it arise for he who does not practice? Thus the finest yogis should carry out the practice according to the rules
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The wise man who regularly reads this treatise from beginning to end is sure gradually to obtain success in Yoga
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The magical science of Hatha is to be very well guarded by the yogi desirous of success. Guarded, it becomes powerful; made public, it becomes powerless
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Having duly pleased his guru and obtained this finest of mantras, even an unlucky yogi can achieve success by means of this technique
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When this observance has been performed, the goddess Tripurabhairavi, created by the earlier worship, appears and grants wishes
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Absorbed in it, his mind one-pointed, the wise yogi should make one lakh oblations before the goddess in the manner described in the sacred texts and then repeat the mantra three lakh times
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After receiving this mantra from his guru, the yogi should repeat all of its syllables in sequence, neither quickly nor slowly, his mind free from doubt
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This triad of seed syllables grants the rewards of both worldly enjoyment and liberation. The yogi striving to achieve perfection should master these three mantras
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In the heart is the Kamaraja, which looks like a bandhuka flower. In the Ajna lotus is the seed syllable called Shakti which looks like ten million moons