“The Mediaeval Mind” in 2 volumes is one of the best-known works by the American historian Henry Osborn Taylor that features the history of the development of thought and emotion in the Middle Ages. Table of Contents:
Volume 1:
The Groundwork:
Genesis of the Mediaeval Genius
The Latinizing of the West
Greek Philosophy as the Antecedent of the Patristic Apprehension of Fact
Intellectual Interests of the Latin Fathers
Latin Transmitters of Antique and Patristic Thought
The Barbaric Disruption of the Empire
The Celtic Strain in Gaul and Ireland
Teuton Qualities: Anglo-Saxon, German, Norse
The Bringing of Christianity and Antique Knowledge to the Northern Peoples…
The Early Middle Ages:
Carolingian Period
Mental Aspects of the 11th Century: Italy
Mental Aspects of the 11th Century: France
Mental Aspects of the 11th Century: Germany; England
The Growth of Mediaeval Emotion…
The Ideal and the Actual — The Saints:
The Reforms of Monasticism
The Hermit Temper
The Quality of Love in St. Bernard
St. Francis of Assisi
Mystic Visions of Ascetic Women
The Spotted Actuality…
The Ideal and the Actual — Society:
Feudalism and Knighthood
Romantic Chivalry and Courtly Love
Parzival, the Brave Man slowly Wise…
Volume 2:
The Heart of Heloïse
German Considerations
Scriptural Allegories in the Early Middle Ages
The Rationale of the Visible World: Hugo of St. Victor
Cathedral and Mass; Hymn and Imaginative Poem…
Latinity and Law:
The Spell of the Classics
Evolution of Mediaeval Latin Prose
Evolution of Mediaeval Latin Verse
Mediaeval Appropriation of the Roman Law…
Ultimate Intellectual Interests of the 12th and 13th Centuries:
Scholasticism: Spirit, Scope, and Method
Classification of Topics; Stages of Evolution
Twelfth-Century Scholasticism
The Universities, Aristotle, and the Mendicants
Albertus Magnus
Thomas Aquinas
Roger Bacon
Duns Scotus and Occam
The Mediaeval Synthesis: Dante…