In writing we will be following an idea or train of thought to its conclusion through making sentences, whereas thoughts in themselves are often incomplete and fragmented.
evihat Zitat gemachtvor 6 Jahren
Once you stop obsessing over a problem and clear it from your mind on to paper, you create a space where your energy can flow into a more productive examination of the problem. As a result, writing can be much more effective in reaching solutions than by purely dwelling on a problem.
evihat Zitat gemachtvor 6 Jahren
When you place your thoughts and feelings on to paper, you are also physically separating from them. They are no longer inside your head, but in front of you on the page. This detachment often leads to a fresh way of seeing your situation. You may notice patterns of behaviours which take you to a deeper level of understanding and then you can begin to look at your options and choices within problematic situations.
Azhar Suleimenovahat Zitat gemachtvor 6 Jahren
We hold fear and anxiety as tension in our shoulders, throats, stomach and hands, for example. Sometimes unrelenting tension of this sort can lead to more serious medical problems, such as high blood pressure and stomach ulcers.
Azhar Suleimenovahat Zitat gemachtvor 6 Jahren
any one sentence, for example, you may touch on emotions (level 1) and try to make sense of something (level 2) and then go back to your emotions again (level 1).
Azhar Suleimenovahat Zitat gemachtvor 6 Jahren
After ‘feeling the feelings’ around an issue (emotional level) and reflecting on what we think about it (cognitive level) we may be ready for the next stage: action
Azhar Suleimenovahat Zitat gemachtvor 6 Jahren
The emotional level starts with Exercise 2 (The ‘agony aunt’ method) in Chapter 4 (page 30). Exercise 1 (Getting to know your emotional inner self) in Chapter 3 (pages 26–8)
Conejo Literariohat Zitat gemachtvor 6 Jahren
Exercise 1: Getting to know your emotional inner self
Ankit Sonihat Zitat gemachtvor 7 Jahren
the text will invite you to explore the way you feel about yourself and examine your patterns of behaviours and beliefs. Your writing in response to the exercises will help you to develop many areas of self-esteem, so that you can get to know yourself better and offer yourself more compassion, respect, acceptance and support
@alissafatmahat Zitat gemachtvor 7 Jahren
Feeling in control is not about controlling other people, but feeling that you are taking responsibility regarding what you want and where you are heading in your life.