The Life and Times of Elijah
«Truly, we may say, this was ministry of a very elevated and holy character; it was a glorious commission to be told to stand amid the fragments of a crushed and ruined system, and there to point to the time — the happy time — when God would display Himself in the immortal results of His own redeeming grace, to the joy of His ransomed ones in Heaven and on earth.»
Jehoshaphat — Worldliness
“In tracing the inspired record of the houses of Israel and Judah, from the period of their separation under Rehoboam, we can without difficulty recognize the marked distinction between them… In fact, a dark cloud of idolatry seems to have settled upon the whole house of Israel, until they were carried away beyond Babylon, and scattered amongst the Gentiles.”
Job and His Friends
“The book of Job occupies a very peculiar place in the volume of God. It possesses character entirely its own, and teaches lessons which are not to be learnt in any other section of inspiration.”