Returning to Ashok K. Banker's Burnt Empire Saga for the climactic end of a series that the Los Angeles Times called ';vividly evocative.'Since the events of Upon a Burning Throne, this story has been climbing towards a climax, leading to Krushni's plan for vengeance against her father, Jarsun, and culminating in a wedding contest in Gwannland. Guru Dronas, bent on erasing Gwannland from existence, is in attendance. Accompanying him are the Seth and the Krushan Hundredsons of Adri, emperor of the Burnt Empireand Jarsun. The five children of Shvate, who was murdered by Jarsun, are also present and eager to avenge their father's death. The stakes are high as the participants put their talents on display. But when the situation escalates into an all-out battle, Jarsun springs a surprise: The greatest army ever assembled is at their doorstep. Valiant Krushni and her allies are vastly outnumbered and outmatched. However, Krushni and Guru Vessa, her mentor, have a few surprises of their own. All of the significant players in the empire are ready to compete. The bloody cycle of vengeance that began in Upon a Burning Throne and continued in A Dark Queen Rises climaxes in a thrilling, epic battle in this trilogy's conclusion.