Nanosensor-This chapter introduces the concept of nanosensors, explaining their working principles, types, and key applications in modern technology
Nanomaterials-Explore the materials at the heart of nanosensor technology, understanding their unique properties that enable nanosensors to function effectively
Nanochemistry-Delve into the chemical processes that govern the behavior of nanomaterials, and learn how chemistry is integral to the development of nanosensors
Chemical sensor array-Understand the structure and function of chemical sensor arrays, and how they are designed to detect a variety of substances
Surfaceassisted laser desorption/ionization-This chapter covers a technique used in the analysis of molecular structures, vital for the advancement of sensor technology
Carbon nanotube-Learn about the role of carbon nanotubes in sensor technology, with a focus on their extraordinary strength, electrical properties, and application in sensors
Surface plasmon resonance-This chapter explains how surface plasmon resonance is used to detect molecular interactions, a crucial aspect of biosensing technologies
Biointerface-Gain an understanding of the interface between biological materials and nanosensors, which is key to developing effective biosensors
Nanoelectronics-Discover the integration of nanosensors with electronic systems, enabling advances in fields such as diagnostics and environmental monitoring
Nanotechnology-This chapter provides a broad overview of nanotechnology, connecting nanosensor applications to other areas of innovation and progress
Biosensor-Explore the development and application of biosensors, devices that use biological elements to detect chemicals or pathogens with high precision
Nanobiotechnology-Dive into the intersection of nanotechnology and biotechnology, where nanosensors are revolutionizing fields like drug delivery and disease detection
Markita del Carpio Landry-A special chapter dedicated to the work of Markita del Carpio Landry, exploring her contributions to the field of nanosensors and technology
Holographic sensor-This chapter introduces holographic sensors, a cuttingedge technology that utilizes light to detect and analyze particles at the nanoscale
Green nanotechnology-Understand how green nanotechnology is being used to develop more sustainable and environmentally friendly nanosensors
Chemiresistor-Learn about chemiresistors, sensors that change their resistance when exposed to certain chemicals, and their impact on the industry
Selfassembling peptide-Discover how selfassembling peptides are utilized in the construction of nanosensors, offering new avenues for biosensing technologies
Polymer nanocomposite-Explore the role of polymer nanocomposites in enhancing the performance and efficiency of nanosensors, making them more durable and versatile
Nanomedicine-This chapter covers the application of nanosensors in medicine, where they are transforming the way diseases are diagnosed and treated
Thalappil Pradeep-A tribute to Thalappil Pradeep's pioneering research in the field of nanosensors, exploring his contributions and the future of nanotechnology
BioFET-Finally, learn about BioFETs (FieldEffect Transistors) and their importance in the development of sensitive, accurate biosensors for healthcare applications