I thought dating meant when I was their age: ice cream, movies, walking home from school, the dread and desire that surrounded the mystery of kissing.
Habitante de librohat Zitat gemachtvor 4 Tagen
Imagine braiding the tails of three mice and then throwing in a cat.
Habitante de librohat Zitat gemachtvor 4 Tagen
Live forever, I say to myself.
Habitante de librohat Zitat gemachtvor 6 Tagen
“ ‘All the world’s a stage,’ ”
ivanilla8hat Zitat gemachtletztes Jahr
first time is luxury, the second time privilege.
ivanilla8hat Zitat gemachtletztes Jahr
liked school fine but hated the gym and everything it stood for: team sports, pep rallies, vicious games of kickball, running in circles when it was too cold to go outside, formal dances, graduations.
semyachkinahat Zitat gemachtletztes Jahr
You think the thing that hurt you is going to hurt you forever but it doesn’t.
semyachkinahat Zitat gemachtletztes Jahr
Good marriages are never as interesting as bad affairs.
semyachkinahat Zitat gemachtletztes Jahr
The rage dissipates along with the love, and all we’re left with is a story
semyachkinahat Zitat gemachtletztes Jahr
The excitement in his voice when he talked about this kid was moving to me.