Hazel's thrilling galactic adventures continue in this second book of The Galactic Adventures of Hazel series, as she and her classmates go on a much-awaited school immersion program to the Ptorysium Star System. While planet-hopping, Hazel, Dmitri, and Richie stumble upon a world that is in dire straits. Their adventures take on a whole new league when her impish cousins, Nuke and Nike, get involved, and before they know it, there is too much stuff on their plates — warding off Pepops, making new friends and (also) enemies, negotiating terms, and at the same time juggling with their intergalactic classes.Praise for Book One: The Galactic Adventures of Hazel — Gurecoa Amazon:* Written by author, Starlight, The Galactic Adventures of Hazel: Gurecoa is a sensational science fiction adventure…My favorite two elements of this book were the world-building and the characters. This book is a fascinating and unique take on what the future may hold.* A futuristic adventure of universal proportions! Goodreads:* This is a great read and will appeal to kids and adults alike. I am curious to see what kinds of trouble Hazel is going to get the group into next.