Ummon, founder of the Ummon School of Zen, comments on this by saying, “If I had been with him at the moment of his uttering this, I would surely have struck him dead with one blow and thrown the corpse into the maw of a hungry dog”.
Bola Nagihat Zitat gemachtvor 4 Jahren
Zen is religion, in the sense that Christianity and Mohammedanism is, would be a mistake
Bola Nagihat Zitat gemachtvor 4 Jahren
Zen believes in its inner purity and goodness
Bola Nagihat Zitat gemachtvor 4 Jahren
contradiction of the common law of moral life
Bola Nagihat Zitat gemachtvor 4 Jahren
the very denial involves something not denied
Bola Nagihat Zitat gemachtvor 4 Jahren
but this does not mean that Zen denies the existence of God; neither
Bola Nagihat Zitat gemachtvor 4 Jahren
for Zen has no God to worship, no ceremonial rites to observe, no future abode to which the dead are destined
Bola Nagihat Zitat gemachtvor 4 Jahren
sacred literature as rubbish
Bola Nagihat Zitat gemachtvor 4 Jahren
Zen has no philosophy, that it denies all doctrinal authority