There are times when God feels as close to us as our breath, then other times when God seems distant or absent. Times in our life we are almost convinced ‘God must be wicked’ or ‘simply dead’
Life is full of battles, limitations and certainty of dreams as 'clear as a mud.'
Insights and sermon-like inspiration in this book will help strengthen your faith and position you to win every spiritual battle especially that of strongholds, negative arousals – the inner-battles.
The objective is to help you move on with your life and you will focus finally on being a success you always want to be.
There-in are practical steps to get out of depression, pains, negative thoughts and failure bonds. Your authority is in Christ Jesus, the goals are Personal Mastery, better mental models and healthier thoughts.
Praying the prayers at the end of each Chapter will be great. I will be interceding continually for those who would pray along on those prayers.
You, with God, can handle it!