This is a revolutionary book that explains in simple and direct language the basic principles and uses of the Human Design astrological system. The system, created in the mid-20th century by the late spiritual teacher, Ra Uru Hu, is an astonishingly accurate personality guide that helps you understand your unique personality type. It is, also, a system that: Reveals your unique potential Provides a clear picture of your ideal life partner Enables you to make more informed and better life decisions Guides you to finding your ideal career and realise your highest potential Curry explains and defines each level of Human Design from a basic understanding of the chart, to a deeper understanding of how every line, intersection and symbol correlates to a personality trait that directly affects one's life. Through the analysis of a person's individual Human Design chart, they can see what their strengths, weaknesses and quirks are — as well as identify repetitive difficulties that they might encounter throughout their lives — and with author Karen Curry's assistance find a way to overcome them. This is a book that will appeal to fans of popular astrology, to readers who are interested in personal typology books (enneagram, Meyer-Briggs, archetype books) and to those familiar with the Human Design system, but have found the available books impenetrable.